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Cancellation Policy

Appointment times are reserved and cancellations must be made a minimum of 24 hours in advance prior to the start of the scheduled training session time by calling the GHB trainer at 202.476.0018. Clients will not receive a refund for missed appointments. It is the client's responsibility to attend personal training appointments when they are scheduled. Every effort will be made to reschedule a training session according to mutual availability of the client and the GHB trainer.

If cancellation is not made by a minimum of 24 hours prior to the scheduled session, the client understands that he/she will be charged for the session. Likewise, a “no show” counts as a session service and the client will be charged. In the unlikely event the GHB trainer needs to cancel in less than a minimum of 24 hours notice, the GHB trainer will not charge the client for the session and agrees to grant the client a free session.

Appointments will begin and end promptly as scheduled. The client acknowledges that any delays to the start of a scheduled appointment will not be a cause to extend services beyond the remainder of the scheduled time. The client will not expect or ask the GHB trainer to run overtime. If the client is more than 15 minutes late, their session will be canceled, and the client will be charged for that session. The client understands that there are no half sessions because of any delay.

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